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We won't be surprised by this as we live in the 21st century and witness technology's influence in practically every aspect of daily life. This fact is almost certainly accepted in education as well. We have witnessed how technology has evolved and changed the educational landscape during the past two decades. With the development of technology, we have witnessed schooling being completed online, computer-based remote exams being administered, and taking classes at foreign universities while residing in other nations. Technology is used in educational institutions for teaching, learning, and administrative purposes. The education ecosystem increasingly relies on cutting-edge technology for effective teaching and learning environments. Teachers are mastering new technology to assist students in achieving better learning outcomes.

Everyone who wants to learn now has access to education thanks to the technologically enhanced classrooms through the internet, at any time, in any subject, and from anywhere. The capacity of the classroom is unbounded. Unlike physical classrooms, which have a maximum capacity of sixty students, virtual classrooms allow access by any number of students. An infinite quantity of knowledge is available for learning, either for free or at a price that is within reach of the average person.

Technology implementation challenges in schools and colleges:

Many think using technology in school would make students less socially adept and more dependent on computers. We can see that iGen kids spend more time on their phones and other technology. Even a baby under a year old calms down and gets more drawn to the phone's screen. Artificially intelligent devices play a significant role right now, but research is still being done to determine how they will influence the brain.

Before kids reach adolescence, they are already capable of learning, analysing, and creating software. This demonstrates how the brain gradually changes from its current state to a higher stage of machine language comprehension. Additionally, there are numerous social groups on the internet for every subject where students can communicate with others who share their viewpoints. It is not entirely accurate to proclaim that society is getting less socially adept because group conversations and blogs that share knowledge are growing just as the platform for the communication medium has changed.